1. Program that accepts a character and determines whether the character is a lowercase letter.

Chapter 5: 

Conditional Structures

Programming Exercise

Problem # 1:

Writing a program that accepts a character and determines whether the character is a lowercase letter. A lowercase letter is any character that is greater than equal to 'a' and less than or equal to 'z'. If the entered character is a lowercase letter, display the message "Entered character is a lowercase letter", otherwise display the message "Entered character is not a lowercase letter".


using namespace std;
int main ()
    char c;
    cout<<"enter a character:";
    cout<<"\nEntered character is a lower case letter";
    cout<<"\nEntered character is not a lower case letter";
    return 0;

Code Screenshot:


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28. Program that inputs marks obtained by a student in five subjects. It then calulates and dispays the total marks and percentage.
