3. Program to Simple Addition (1) in Assembly Language using Visual Studio

Chapter 5


Assembly Language Programming Exercise

Problem # 3:

Write a program that clears the screen, locates the cursor near the middle of the screen, prompts the user for two integers, adds the integers, and displays their sum.


INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

prompt BYTE "Enter a 32-bit signed integer:",0
resultMsg BYTE "Sum of 2 integers is:",0
int1 DWORD ?
int2 DWORD ?
sum DWORD ?

main PROC
    call Clrscr

    ;Move cursor to mid screen
    MOV DH, 13    ;y-coordinate range 0-24
    MOV DL, 40    ;x-coordinate range 0-79
    CALL GoToXY    ;locate cursor

    MOV EDX, OFFSET prompt    ;Display prompt
    CALL WriteString
    CALL ReadInt    ;Read integer
    MOV int1,EAX

    CALL WriteString
    CALL ReadInt    ;Read integer
    MOV int2,EAX

    ;calculate sum
    MOV EAX, int1
    ADD EAX, int2
    MOV sum, EAX

    ;display sum
    MOV EDX, OFFSET resultMsg
    call WriteString
    MOV EAX, sum
    call WriteInt

    call Crlf
    call WaitMsg
main ENDP

END main