16. Program inputs the type of vehicle and number of days to park the vehicle. It finally displays the total charges for the parking.

Chapter 5: 

Conditional Structures

Programming Exercise

Problem # 16:

Write a program that displays the following menu for a parking area:
M    =Motorcycle
C    =Car
B    =Bus
The program inputs the type of vehicle and number of days to park the vehicle. It
finally displays the total charges for the parking according to the following:
Motorcycle    Rs. 10 per day
Car                 Rs. 20 per day
Bus                 Rs. 30 per day


using namespace std;
int main()
    char V,x;
    int charges;
    cout<<"Select your vehicle:\nM\t=Motorcycle\nC\t=Car\nB\t=Bus";
    cout<<"Enter days to park the vehicle : ";
        case 'M':
            cout<<"Charges for Motorcycle is Rs."<<charges ;
        case 'C':
            cout<<"Charges for Car is Rs."<<charges;
        case 'B':
            cout<<"Charges for Bus is Rs."<<charges;
            cout<<"Invalid input";
    return 0;

Let me know in the comment section if you have any question.

Previous Post:
15. Program that inputs year and month. It displays the number of days in the month of the year entered by the user.
