9. Program that inputs a year and display "Leap year" if it is a leap year otherwise displays "Not a leap year".
Chapter 5:
Conditional Structures
Programming Exercise
Problem # 9:
A year is a leap year if it is divisible by four, except that any year divisible by 100 is a leap year only if it is divisible by 400. Write a program that inputs a year such as 1996, 1800 and 2010 and display "Leap year" if it is a leap year otherwise displays "Not a leap year".
using namespace std;
int main ()
int year;
cout<<"Enter a year:";
if(year%4==0 && year%100!=0)
cout<<"It is a leap year.";
else if(year%100==0 && year%400==0)
cout<<"It is a leap year.";
cout<<"It is not a leap year.";
return 0;
using namespace std;
int main ()
int year;
cout<<"Enter a year:";
if(year%4==0 && year%100!=0)
cout<<"It is a leap year.";
else if(year%100==0 && year%400==0)
cout<<"It is a leap year.";
cout<<"It is not a leap year.";
return 0;
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8. Program that inputs a value and type of conversion. The program should then output the value after conversion.
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